Over the Wire: Bandit 0-4

You might have heard of Over the Wire before, it is a very famous online wargame.

This is a classic set of challenges that every member of our team has fought through, and while it takes some time, you should have had enough experience to figure out what you need to do. It won't be easy, and it might not be the most fun, but completion of this challenge is the single greatest determining factor in whether or now you continue along this journey. This is where you have to grind it out, make things happen, get stuck, learn things, and really spend some quality time with man pages.

Use this page to figure out what you need to do for each level: https://overthewire.org/wargames/bandit/bandit0.html

Let us know if you get stuck on any challenge for longer than a half hour, we will gladly point you in the right direction. And no cheating!

While there are 25 Bandit levels, at this time we only expect you to be able to complete 0-4. You should know everything in here, but it will be a bit hard.

SSH into : ssh bandit.labs.overthewire.org -p 2220 -l bandit0

With the password bandit0

If you're having trouble figuring out what you should do for level 0, check out this video. I'd make my own, but I hate making videos.

If you ever get stuck on anything for more than a half hour, message us in #techsupport and we will help you out! Don't worry, I have no problems giving you very specific instructions to get to the next stage. If your googling keeps popping up Bandit walkthroughs instead of references, use the search operator -"bandit" to clean up the search results.

Good luck!!!! We are not going to let you end your journey here!!!

Roppers Academy 2024            Date: 2024-02-25 20:45:27

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