Don't Get Hacked

Simple, right?

Alright so your computer is clean, probably, after following the last steps, now if you get infected in the future the most likely scenario is that you ran someone else's code and gave them access to your computer. There's nothing to feel bad about, this could have happened in many ways, and it happens to the best of us. Common ways this could have occured are online installers, phishing, and downloaded tools getting a malicious update. We will go over each method, and how to avoid it in the future.

Downloading Nasty Stuff

Downloading something nasty is the easiest way to do this, whether it is from an email, a big green download arrow on a website, or a program from a torrent site. Phishing is the most common, because it is the most targeted, which results in a higher install rate. We talked about this earlier in the Passwords section, so not much has changed, except the goal is for you to install a program or open a file, rather than type in credentials.

Now what do you do if someone tries to phish you, or you are wondering if this is a phishing attempt? Read this: a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank"</a>

If you get a phish, good chance other people are getting it as well. So you need to report it! Make sure you know how to report to your organization to protect everyone else!

You could have also run some backdoored file, whether from an online download, or packaged in with real software. A good move before downloading anything is run it through these sites listed in the anti-phishing tools. These sites are pretty awesome and use a lot of cool technology to make a determination if something is malicious.

Attachment and file checkers use something called a "sandbox" to open the file/execute the program. The sandbox monitors the process created and looks for any malicious behavior, in addition to running anti-virus looking for a known bad.

URL checkers use a browser to visit the URL and look for malicious behavior, like attempts at infection using an exploit. They also usually provide historical information about the website and if it has been used to host malware before.

IP Checkers look at historical data for an IP address or block of IP addresses to see if they have been used for shady things in the past. Remember the difference between and IP and a URL?


  1. Write a few sentences on why a URL could be clean historically but the IP address could be bad. This is going to require your understanding of hosting servers and domain names.
  2. Analyze a malicious attachment ( using a few of the sites. Write about some of the data it provides and what you can do with it. This is an old, but very much live piece of malware. If you download this to a computer with active anti-virus, it will be blocked. I strongly recommend downloading it to Linux and not opening it up, even though your pdf reader is patched by this point. Just good habits.
Hoppers Roppers 2024            Date: 2024-02-25 22:06:00

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