Historical Encoding

The good (and bad) thing about encoding is that really anything can be used to convey information. This means you will come across all sorts of wild challenges. When you come across them, pay attention to hints and use google to try to identify what they are and where to find an online solver. If you can't find a solver you'll have to do it manually, or write your own.

Especially in a competition, doing it manually is often faster than writing your own way to do it automatically.

Solve these problems and submit the flags.


2. --. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- / -. .- ...- -.-- -.-- -.-- -.-- -.-- -.-- -.-- / -... . . . . . .- .- .- - / .- .-. .-. -- -.-- -.-- -.-- -.-- -.-- a href="https://github.com/hoppersroppers/hoppersroppers.github.io/raw/master/_layouts/flags.JPG" target="_blank"</a>

3. ⠎⠕⠍⠑⠀⠕⠋⠀⠗⠕⠏⠏⠑⠗⠄⠎⠀⠎⠞⠥⠙⠑⠝⠞⠎⠀⠁⠗⠑⠀⠃⠇⠊⠝⠙⠨


a href="https://github.com/hoppersroppers/hoppersroppers.github.io/raw/master/_layouts/flags.JPG" target="_blank"</a>

Hoppers Roppers 2024            Date: 2024-02-25 22:05:39

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