Basic Methodology

First, check this video out: How to Shot Web: Pentester Methodology

Now, here's my basic methodology... It's over simplified for hard stuff, but is very useful for someone who is doing basic web things.

Step 1: Open up Chrome Dev Tools

Step 2: Use the site as intended

Step 3: See what happens.

While playing around, check out these basic tips for finding weirdness.

Dummy Stuff

  • Find all login pages

    • Many bugs, however complicated their root cause might be, display themselves as a normal user having powers that were meant only for admin

    • Generally, anything that "admin" is the only group allowed to do that "user" has access to is considered bad. Test everything, attack admin functionality as a normally priv'd user.

    • If you see the word admin, you're probably on the right track.

    • Also, always try admin:admin on everything you touch.

    • As a near general rule, you will not bruteforce logins during CTFs, so don't do it without permission from organizers. If you are bruteforcing, you are likely wrong.

  • Find all upload/content send mechanisms
  • View source of pages
  • Check out cookies (base 64/ plaintext)
    • The most common way sessions are maintained is with cookies.
    • Always check the cookies on a web page, either with a cookie editing tool or using browser DevTools
    • Cookies can be (Will be) encoded so don't be discouraged if they are random alphanumerics, always make sure to check Base64 and other common encodings.
  • Look at URLs
    • If the URL looks like it has a number at the end, try incrementing the number.
    • If the URL has your username at the end, change the username.
  • Look for Robots.txt

Attack login pages

  • try baby SQL inject on each one
  • try baby command inject on each one

Attack input pages

  • try baby command inject on each one
  • run an XSS scan


  • Nmap -A
    • Services on weird ports are common
  • Dirbust for 2 minutes if nothing against it.
    • Admin panels might pop up
  • Vuln scan with Nikto. If you have a real commercial one, hit it, but you probably won't find anything. CTF challenges aren't supposed to be solved by a scanner.

Always remember to use cheatsheets:

Fake it from there.

Hoppers Roppers 2024            Date: 2024-02-25 22:05:39

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