Network Scripting with Pwntools

This is heavily covered in the Networking Course if you want to become an expert.

If you just want to move forward (for now), try this example problem.

A common scripting problem is connecting to web socket/SSH server and then doing some scripted activity. One critical tip to this is to spend some serious time trying to figure out everything the server does/time outs/etc. Plenty of times you can just get good at whatever task needs to be scripted, or copy/paste it into a different tool then back in, so you can avoid scripting altogether. Butttt, if the lazy ways don't work, it's time for some scripting.

You should implement these problems using Pwntools rather than trying to make your own with Python sockets or gasp, something in C.

For this section, write a script using pwntools that connects to a port, waits for the word "Username:", enters "root", waits for "Password:", enters "root", then takes in 2 numbers, adds them together, and returns the solution.

I'm not giving you the "server" for this challenge, so you're going to have to write your own server to test this. Write up a server that only accepts root/root as the user/pass and then gives two random numbers and checks that the response is correct. Learning how to write both sides of this is pretty important.

To host the server locally for testing, run '''socat TCP-LISTEN:1337,fork EXEC:'/path/to/script',stderr,pty,echo=0'''.

Submit your script.

Hoppers Roppers 2024            Date: 2024-02-25 22:05:39

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